What is Free Indie L10N?
Idea is simple: if your game qualifies you get English->Polish localization of your game free of charge.
This is great! What do I have to do?
Prepare the files, contact me, actively cooperate.
My game is in (here insert language OTHER than English). Can you help with localization?
As for now – unfortunately no. English->Polish only.
Why do you do this for free?
Because I am a veteran gamer, have some insight into gamedev society and know some of the pains and also like to support good ideas.
Do you localize all games?
Not all, my time is finite and some genres are not my cup of tea (most sport games for example). This is a pro bono under certain restrictions of wordcount and time.
We have 4 games to be localized to Polish.
Please, respect that I make living of translation and localization. You have more games? Let’s talk business.
Who are you, by the way?
Michał Tosza: English->Polish translator, who since 2004 translates and localizes software and games.
I make money on my game and you will seriously localize it for free?
I would you like to compensate you somehow…
Great idea! How? Whatever you find suitable, but remember this is a “no money” transaction for the first game.
What a great idea to add real value to gamedev society! We want to hire you for a commercial job!
With pleasure! E-mail me at: michal.tosza@translators.org.pl